Independent Medical Education

Gilead provides funding to medical education providers and organizations to support scientific and medical education that provide objective, clinically relevant, information. This site lists independent, educational activities supported by Gilead, developed by third-party organizations. Discover a variety of educational activities through various filters. You can search by therapeutic area, activity type, resource type, and/or profession.

These medical education activities are planned, developed, and delivered by independent accredited providers in accordance with accreditation standards included in the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education. Gilead does not exercise control over, or provide guidance to, any accredited provider. Gilead is sharing the information on this page as a service to the medical community and with permission from the accredited providers. The information on this page is intended to provide access to educational topics of interest and most activities are free to the learner (some may require a nominal registration fee per the accredited provider’s requirements). Gilead does not support independent education, or any medical activities, for the purpose of encouraging off-label use of our products.

In recognition of accreditation standards for independent medical education, this site does not link to individual programs. You may need to select the individual program of interest on the provider's website.

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